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Epigamia Snack Pack Mango Chunky Granola Greek Flavored Yogurt(112 g)60/-

Curd And Yogurt Food Nutritions

Following are the list of Curd and Yogurt Food Nutritions

Epigamia Snack Pack Mango Chunky Granola Greek Flavored Yogurt(112 G)

Epigamia Snack Pack Mango Chunky Granola Greek Flavored Yogurt(112 g)
Price: ₹436/-

Sell Price: ₹60/-


  • General
    Brand: Epigamia
    Model Name: Snack Pack Mango Chunky Granola Greek
    Quantity: 112 g
    Type: Flavored Yogurt
    Suitable For: Snack
    Key Flavors: Mango Chunky Granola
    Is Perishable: Yes
    Organic: No
    Dietary Preference: NA
    Added Preservatives: No
    Gourmet: No
    Food Type: Frozen
    Container Type: Cup
  • Important Note
    : Product information provided by the seller on the Website is not exhaustive, please read the label on the physical product carefully for complete information provided by the manufacturer. For additional information, please contact the manufacturer.

Product TitleEpigamia Snack Pack Mango Chunky Granola Greek Flavored Yogurt(112 G)
Product BrandEpigamia
Product Price₹60/-
Product TypeFood & Nutrition, Curd & Yogurt