Know best selling Majestic Attar Fragrances features, latest price in India. Following products are from top reputed company Majestic in India. Listed products are based on online research, review from customers and product rating. Buy following products visiting buy now link.

Table of Contents

Majestic M-973002 Floral Attar(Woody)599/-
Majestic M-973004 Floral Attar(Woody)599/-

Majestic Attar Fragrances

Following are the list of Majestic Attar Fragrances

Majestic M-973002 Floral Attar(Woody)

Majestic M-973002 Floral Attar(Woody)
Price: ₹953/-

Sell Price: ₹599/-

Product Details:

Gift Pack of 6 Roll ons, Fragrances contain Fresh, Citrus, Floral, Aqua

Capacity: 48 ml
Fragrance: Woody
Type: Floral Attar
Alcohol Free


  • General
    Capacity: 48 ml
    Fragrance: Woody
    Type: Floral Attar

Product TitleMajestic M-973002 Floral Attar(Woody)
Product BrandMajestic
Product Price₹599/-
Product TypeBeauty And Grooming, Attar

Majestic M-973004 Floral Attar(Woody)

Majestic M-973004 Floral Attar(Woody)
Price: ₹783/-

Sell Price: ₹599/-

Product Details:

Gift Pack of 6 Roll ons, Fragrances contain Woody, Oriental

Capacity: 48 ml
Fragrance: Woody
Type: Floral Attar
Alcohol Free


  • General
    Capacity: 48 ml
    Fragrance: Woody
    Type: Floral Attar

Product TitleMajestic M-973004 Floral Attar(Woody)
Product BrandMajestic
Product Price₹599/-
Product TypeBeauty And Grooming, Attar