Know best selling Manoj Sunlight Vada Makers Kitchen Appliances features, latest price in India. Following products are from top reputed company Manoj Sunlight in India. Listed products are based on online research, review from customers and product rating. Buy following products visiting buy now link.

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Manoj Sunlight nik52 Vada Maker599/-

Manoj Sunlight Vada Makers Kitchen Appliances

Following are the list of Manoj Sunlight Vada Makers Kitchen Appliances

Manoj Sunlight Nik52 Vada Maker

Manoj Sunlight nik52 Vada Maker
Price: ₹761/-

Sell Price: ₹599/-


  • In the Box
    : 1 Piece of Vada Maker machine
  • General
    Brand: Manoj Sunlight
    Model Number: nik52
    Material: Steel
  • Dimensions
    Width: 9 cm
    Height: 19 cm
    Depth: 9 cm
    Weight: 230 g

Product TitleManoj Sunlight Nik52 Vada Maker
Product BrandManoj Sunlight
Product Price₹599/-
Product TypeKitchen Appliances, Vada Makers